Everyone needs a few good friends...
There's a story in Luke's gospel of some men bringing a paralyzed man to Jesus (Lk 5:17-26). They were determined to bring their friend to Jesus; they knew he needed Jesus and nothing was going to stand in their way... not a stretcher, not crowds, not a roof, not disbelieving scribes or Pharisees...
Oh, for the gift of friends with a strong faith; oh, for the grace to be such a friend of faith!
There will be times on our faith journey when we need to be carried; when we are too weak, when we can barely stand... faithful friends will pray; they will bring us to Jesus and set us in His presence. At other times, we will be called upon to be that faithful friend...
May we approach Jesus boldly, undeterred by obstacles...
The crowds would not deter them,
they had to find a way;
so through the roof they chose to go,
for it was healing day...
Friends brought the man to Jesus,
they knew he would be healed;
they set him in His presence,
their faith would be revealed...
So bring the crippled soul to Him,
ye strong and faithful friend;
stay with him as the Savior speaks,
then watch him rise again.