How can we be truly present to the place we are in our lives,
without becoming dissatisfied,
without looking back,
without comparing,
without complaining,
without wanting more,
and not being content in the present?
It’s so easy to hanker for the way things were,
for the happier times, the carefree days.
Change is hard… and I’m afraid a mind can play tricks,
and leave out details,
and sometimes make things bigger and better than they used to be.
Someone asked once, what was the harm in Lot’s wife looking back…
I think the looking back speaks to a lack of trust, a disobedience.
If I truly trust in a loving Father who is for me,
and has my life in the palm of His hand;
if I believe that my life is directed by Him,
that every detail of my life has been orchestrated by Him;
all the people, the events,
my coming and going is all part of His plan for me,
and all for His glory…
then there should be no complaining, no discontent.
All of my actions should flow from a knowledge
that I am perfectly positioned to accomplish the will of my Father
in whatever situation He places me.
Though circumstances and people change,
I should rest assured that He is working all things together for my good,
but for His purposes… His will and not my own!
So, when I get discouraged Lord,
when things don’t seem to make sense,
when I’m struggling with work,
with family, with finances, with relationships,
with my very self…
give my vision a heavenly view.
Remind me not to get too comfortable or complacent or disgruntled;
help me to live a life of thanksgiving;
teach me to trust in You!